Character Studies Gospel of Matthew Studies New Testament Studies

Joseph – Father of Jesus – Matthew 1:18-25 | Bible Study

What does bible speak about Joseph – the father of Jesus Christ? This bible study lesson portrays Joseph’s journey from doubt and disappointment to delight, his dream and his obedience to the will of God.

Gospel of Mark Studies Gospels Studies New Testament Studies

The Scribes Questions Jesus’ Authority – Mark 11: 27-33

How do you respond when you are confronted with the question about your personal belief? This gospel bible study lesson presents Jesus’ response when His authority was questioned by the High priests and the teachers of the Law in the temple court in Mark 11:27-33.

Christian Life Studies Old Testament Studies

Proverbs – Characteristics of Wise Man

Characteristics of Wise man according to Proverbs in Bible. What does bible talk about the wisdom? Evaluate yourself with Proverbs 12.

Bible Devotionals Inductive Studies New Testament Studies

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh – 2 Cor 12:7-10 | Bible Study

What was st. Paul’s thorn in the flesh? God’s answer to Paul’s prayers, Paul’s perspective before and after God’s answer his Weakness, Sufficient Grace – Bible study on 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Bible Devotionals Christian Discipleship Studies Christian Life Studies

Questioning God – Psalm 13

Bible Study – Psalms 13: Do you feel forgotten or forsaken by God? Do you question or complain God for his silence to your prayers? Join with us for King David’s journey from questioning and complaining to faith, hope and assurance in God’s goodness in Psalm 13.

Bible Study Methods Christian Discipleship Studies Christian Life Studies Small Group Studies

How to Lead Small Group – Practical Guide

Identify your small group. Identify you topic. Begin and end on time. Introduce new comers. Mark keywords of your bible study topics. Visualize the picture. Ask relevant questions (It should not be too obvious or too hard!) If your small group does not understand, rephrase your question.

Christian Discipleship Studies Christian Life Studies Gospel of Matthew Studies Gospels Studies

How to Overcome Temptation

What does bible say about the temptations and how to deal with it? This bible study contains the original meaning of the word, purpose and ways of temptation, How resist the temptation? Three steps to overcome – Preparation, Perseverance and Planning. Two strategy in temptation – Resist & Retreat.