Feeding the five thousand is the only miracle mentioned in all four Gospels. So, what was so special about this miracle, that made lasting impression on Jesus’ disciples? Let us explore and ‘digg’ into word of God from all four gospel passages. You will surely be ‘filled’ and ‘satisfied’ with the power of God through this miracle.
Have you ever been in any life-threatening storm? How do you feel if you are in one of these storms? How do you react to the situation? Where do you go for help? Who do you run for rescue? Let us look at how disciples of Jesus reacted to such a storm. Bible study guide on Mark 4:35-41. Sudden storm in sea of Galilee, Disciples (fishermen)’ reaction, Jesus calmed the storm and the sea.
BibleSEO (Bible Study Exposition Online) website has recently, reached small, but important milestone. According to google analytics, BibleSEO has now been viewed over 500,000 times. Launched in September 2008, BibleSEO offers free Bible study lessons for personal bible studies or small group.
Inductive Bible Study on the Doctrine of Trinity: Biblical definition and meaning, Trinity in the old testament and new testament, practical but imperfect analogies for understanding Trinity.
This bible guide presents the original meaning of the Beatitudes, two lists described in Matthew 5:3-12 and Luke 6:20-23. It also gives an outline of 8 part beatitudes bible study guide, each described in details.
free Bible guide on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It offers answers to questions about the Holy Spirit such as what is the Holy Spirit, characteristics and works of Holy Spirit, Men’s response to the Holy Spirit? How does he act in life of a Christian?
This free bible guide discusses definition and meaning of Theodicy. It attempts to answer difficult questions about the existence of God and problem of evil, arguments against God, can God use evil to do good?