Gospel of Matthew Studies

Jesus Walks on Water

What is the most daring thing you have ever done?

Think about the most daring or dangerous thing you have ever done? Perhaps by a choice or just by the circumstances. May be a Dare Devil stunt in your high school or college, or sky diving (Check out faith lesson from my sky diving experience) or bungee jumping or other crazy things? Have you ever tried to walk on the water? In today’s lesson, we are going to learn about the Jesus (and Peter) walking on the water in the middle of the storm.

Bible Passage: Matthew 14:22-33

Imagine you had an early start in the day, got kids ready, then go to work, have lots of meetings and stressful environment, then you come home and there’s a large gathering of about 500 people and you are the host. you prepare a meal, serve them, clean up and finally you head home and while on the road there’s a huge snowstorm, a blizzard, whiteout condition. You are going on the highway in such a windy, snowy weather trying to not get into a ditch and then all of a sudden you see a white robed person in the middle of the road coming right up to you! This was in some way what the disciples experienced on this eventful day.

Background on this Day for Jesus and His Disciples.

Jesus and his disciples already had very hectic and eventful day. They had heard about John the Baptist beheading and later in the day, Jesus taught and then fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus wanted the disciples to take some rest some downtime, so he dismissed the crowd and send the disciples ahead in the boat.

How did Jesus maintain the spiritual strength?

Jesus was very tired. He was emotionally exhausted, his distant cousin was just killed in the most brutal way. He had taught 5000 people and he also had fed 5000 people, he needed some rest, but his resting place was his personal time with God. he could have chosen to sleep to rejuvenate himself, but instead he chose to spend this time with God in prayer. He prayed, almost till the dawn, he had a whole night prayer vigil.

If you’re serving people or in a Christian ministry, you may have days like these, when you would be so busy or tired that you don’t even get time to eat or sleep, in times like these, would you be willing to sacrifice your time and instead find your resting place at the feet of Jesus?

How long were the disciples in the boat fighting the storm?

The Disciples again found themselves in the middle of the storm. They were experienced fishermen, so small storm would not have caused them to worry, but this storm was different. They were struggling to reach to the land because of the storm, they were beaten by the waves for almost the whole night, it was almost dawn (4th watch is about 3-6a.m.), and they saw a figure walking on the water from a distance. Obviously, they were terrified, they thought it was a ghost. in those days, people at the sea especially thought, the ghost were the people who died at the sea. Jesus immediately comforted them. “Don’t be afraid, it is I.”

What did Peter ask Jesus? Why?

Peter replied, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the waters!” We all know that Peter was an impulsive person, but this was more than just an impulse. He was asking Jesus ‘s permission to do something extraordinary. He wanted to do what his masters was doing. Isn’t that what we supposed to do? Follow our master? Peter showed tremendous faith to think outside the boat. He had the trust and courage to ask Jesus something powerful, something no one has ever done.

Jesus’ answer was ofcourse, “COME“.

What caused him to sink?

It was not the wind and wave that caused him to sink, they were that even before he started to sink. It was when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm, his faith wavered, and he started to sink. Perhaps he realized his own inadequacy. He started to doubt himself, and found himself sinking, drowning in the water. Out of the desperation, he cried out. “Lord, Save me”.

He took step of faith, he ventured into the unknown, and now he found himself almost drowning, other disciples could not save him. But Jesus was right there on water. He immediately reached out his hands and saved him. Jesus gently rebuked him. “You of little faith! Why did you doubt?” Jesus believed in him, he knew Peter was able to walk in water. Peter in someways, is a good and bad example of faith. He was able to do something that no other human being has ever done, but he also took his eyes of Jesus. Jesus and Peter both walked to the boat and climbed to the boat and immediately the wind die down and it was a perfect calm. The disciples were probably in utter shock, trying to make sense of what had just happened. But when they gathered their thoughts, they realized that they were in the presence of the Son of God. Worship was a natural response to this powerful display of Jesus’ power of nature.

We, as the disciples of Jesus, also may respond in two different ways in the midst of the storm. We may choose to stay in the boat, look for safety and security, or we can venture out into the unknown and follow Jesus even on the water.

Life Applications

Peace is not found in the absence of storm, but in the Presence of Jesus right in the midst of the storm.

Jesus called Peter by saying, ‘COME’, this simple four-letter word is profound. We often try to find peace in the calm. But life is too messy, too wavy and we are often found in the middle of the storm. Hear these words of Jesus.

Matthew 11:28 – “COME to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Faith in Jesus sometimes requires stepping out of the boat.

Faith sometimes requires stepping out of the boat/your own comfort/safety. We all like safety, security & comfort. And it is not a bad thing. But sometimes, Jesus asks you to take a risk and trust him. Just like Peter, we need to step out of our boats, overcome our fears, and trust that Jesus is right there, ready to catch you, you may stumble but will not drown.

2 Cor 5:7 – “For we live by faith, not by sight.”

Faith in Yourself alone will cause you to Sink.

We all have heard believe in yourself, self help gurus of our time. And it can only help when you are in the calm. But life is full of storms. Big storms, it can come in many shapes and forms, death or serious illness of your loved ones, health issues, losing a job, financial troubles, challenges with your children, to name few. And you cannot weather the storm alone, it will destroy you. But Jesus promised in

John 16:33 - In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

When you choose to follow Jesus, He will do amazing things in and through you.

God wants to do incredible things in you and through you that you can’t even imagine. He is weaving an amazing story of your life. He wants you to have Walking-on-the-Water moment for your life. So don’t settle for less. Don’t stay in the boat fighting the storms of your life on your own, with your own strength, tired, weary and exhausted, but not able to overcome it. Take a Leap of Faith, And You will have the most amazing story to tell others of How God works in your life.

By Amit Christian

Founder and Author of BibleSEO (Bible Study Exposition Online), Bible study topics website, which offers free small group bible studies on various topics. His passion is to train, equip and inspire individual and small groups for life-changing bible study experience.
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