What does Bible say about Hell? What are the words used for Hell in the Bible. This Bible word study describes the meaning and reference bible verses for Hell.
Category: Other topics

Angels: They are created beings. (Neh 9:6) They are not eternal and omniscient. They are endowed with free will. The Hebrew word for angel is ‘Mal’ak’ and the Greek word is ‘angelos’, both meaning ‘Messenger’. So in this context, an Angel is described as a messenger of God. In popular culture, Angels are always portrayed […]
Why was Jesus led in the Wilderness by the Holy Spirit? What is the significance of Wilderness experiences in our Christian Walk? How did Jesus respond to the temptations by Satan? This bible study lesson investigates the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness by Devil.
Quiet time is one of the most essential aspects of your Christian life. Many Christians take some time reading the bible everyday. While it is very useful, just reading the bible will not lead you to much fuller Christian walk with Christ. You need to spend time in his words, study and learn from it […]
8 Practical Steps in Leading Small Group Bible Study: Know Your Group – Preparation – Be Creative and Imaginative – Facilitator not Preacher – Time Management – Finish Strong…
BibleSEO has been announced Runner-up for the ‘Best Christian Blog’ category in the ‘Christian Web and New Media Award, 2009’. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of this exclusive group. And I am truly humbled for this achievement. I give all the praise and glory to God only for such success to Bibleseo.com.
This is part 3 of 8 part bible study series on Beatitudes. (Matthew 5:3-12). It explores the meaning of Meekness, meekness in the bible, historical setting and the promise of inheritance.