Gospel of Mark Studies Gospels Studies Inductive Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies

Jesus Heals Paralytic Man | Mark 2:1-12

Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” – Mark 2:3-5

Christian Discipleship Studies Christian Life Studies Inductive Studies Small Group Studies

List of Spiritual Gifts: Discovering Your Gifts

What are Spiritual Gifts? What is its role in Christian Church? Am I gifted? How can I discover my spiritual gifts? How can I use it in my Church? How many Spiritual Gifts are mentioned in the Bible? This bible study covers all these questions and many more.

Bible Devotionals devotionals

Infographic – The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

Proverb 9:10 – The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Here is a quick infographic, I made that compares Wisdom with Intellect, with some famous quotes about the Wisdom of God. Intellect without wisdom makes a smart fool. Intellect without wisdom can rationalize sin. Intellect can process information, wisdom applies it. Intellect […]

Christian Discipleship Studies Christian Life Studies Gospel of Luke Studies Gospels Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies

The Humility and Faith of Roman Centurion – Luke 7:1-10

What can you learn about the centurion? Good master who valued his servants and cared for them. He cared enough to ask help from the Jewish Rabbi. He had a good reputation and relationship with the Jewish community and leaders. They spoke well of him. As you can notice from their request to Jesus, “this […]

Gospels Studies Inductive Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies New Testament Studies Small Group Studies

Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus – Mark 10:46-52

Did you know that the Healing of Bartimaeus is one of few places where the name of the person healed in mentioned? This bible study lesson on Mark 10:46-52 describes the healing of blind Bartimaeus by Jesus on His way to Jerusalem. The bible study outlines the condition of blind Bartimaeus, his persistent request for healing, Jesus’ question to him and his response to Jesus, and life applications.

Character Studies Christian Discipleship Studies Gospels Studies Small Group Studies

Jesus’ Disciples Names: List, Meaning and Occupation

This bible guide offers list of twelve disciples of Jesus Christ in the bible, their Greek names and meaning, their occupations. Lists are mentioned four times in New Testament. Peter, John and James were the closest of Jesus’ disciples.

Character Studies Christian Life Studies Old Testament Studies

Joseph: Bible Character Study

This free bible lesson is the character study guide on the life of Joseph in Old testament. It offers overview of Life of Joseph, His early years, his life as a slave in Potiphar’s house, temptations of Joseph, his life events from prison to prime minister of Egypt. It portrays the story of a Joseph whose life events were directed to fulfill God’s plan and purpose. Perhaps, you may find God’s purpose for your life through this life story.