Gospel of Mark Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies

Jesus Healed the Deaf and Mute Man in Decapolis

Do you have any Twin Cities around where you live? How about Tri-Cities? There are even Quad Cities in the US. Today, we are going to learn about Jesus’ miracle in the 10-Cities or Deca-polis recorded in Mark 7:31-37. Background of First Miracle – Jesus Restored the Demon Possessed Man But before, we start that, […]

Gospel of Matthew Studies

Jesus Walks on Water

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? Think about the most daring or dangerous thing you have ever done? Perhaps by a choice or just by the circumstances. May be a Dare Devil stunt in your high school or college, or sky diving (Check out faith lesson from my sky diving experience) […]

Gospel of Luke Studies

Woman with Alabaster Jar – Bible Study PowerPoint Presentation

This post contains the PowerPoint Presentation for the Bible Study on the Woman with Alabaster Jar (Luke 7:36-50) Please click here to download the Inductive Bible Study PowerPoint Presentation Slides. (Please give the credit to Bibleseo, by leaving the footer links in the Powerpoint slide pack. Thank you.) Bible Study Questions Q. What can we […]

Character Studies New Testament Studies

Apostle Paul – Bible Character Study

Have you heard of names Dr. Vinton Cerf and Dr. Robert Kahn? Probably not. But these were two people who revolutionize how we communicate. In fact, the reason you are reading this, is due to them. They were the inventors of the Internet. There are many such people in the past who have impacted our […]

Gospel of Luke Studies Gospel of Mark Studies Gospel of Matthew Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies

Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter

Bible Study on Healing miracles of Jesus Christ – Jesus raises Jairus’ Daughter. Who is the ruler of Synagogue? What was Jairus’ state of mind when he heard about his daughter’s death? Faith of Jairus. Jesus’ response to the Wailers. Life Applications.

Christian Discipleship Studies Gospel of Mark Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies

Jesus Heals the Woman with Blood Issue

Bible study lesson on healing of woman with the issue of blood on Mark 5:24-34. Her faith in Jesus. Why did she touch Him? How was she instantly healed? Faith lessons and life application.

Gospel of Mark Studies Gospels Studies Jesus' Miracles Studies New Testament Studies

Jesus Heals the Leper

A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.