Christian Life Studies

Tension between Science and Theology

“The tension between Science and Theology arise only when scientific theories have been extended to philosophy of life and meaning.” Science is the knowledge perceived by experiments and observations. This article shows the contradiction due to the Law of Thermodynamics to the theory of Evolution.

“The tension between Science and Theology arise only when scientific theories have been extended to philosophy of life and meaning.”

Definition of Science:

  • Science is the knowledge perceived by experiments and observations.
  • It is the knowledge about facts and the relationships between them.
  • Any scientific theory is based of series of experiments, and should have reproducibility and verifications in order to be true.

Two Laws of Thermodynamics:

First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can not be created nor be destroyed. it can change from in form to the other.

  • It means that all the processes are Conservative and not creative.
  • And therefore the beginning of all things must have been accomplished by some other means which are above the Laws of nature. Therefore, it is inaccessible to the science.

Second Law of Thermodynamics states that there is always degradation of energy, whenever energy changes from one form to the other.

  • The Law is also known as ‘Law of Degradation’.
  • Every ordered system tends to become disordered.
  • All matters tend to decay and obtain inferior form, and eventually die.
  • Thus, the Universe has an end, so it must have beginning, and the Universe is not eternal.
  • There is major contradiction in the ‘EVOLUTION’ which suggests the advancement and development of creation.
These laws of thermodynamics make evolution theory out of scope with our present knowledge of science. We need to develop a science to explain the theory of evolution. This is one of the many contradictions inthe theory of Evolution, which we often take for granted.


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—Amit Christian (BibleSEO Editor)


By Amit Christian

Founder and Author of BibleSEO (Bible Study Exposition Online), Bible study topics website, which offers free small group bible studies on various topics. His passion is to train, equip and inspire individual and small groups for life-changing bible study experience.
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One reply on “Tension between Science and Theology”

The second law is misrepresented here. It says that CLOSED system increase in entropy (roughly speaking, entropy is a measure of disorder, but this is overly simplistic). Since the Earth is not a closed system, the second law doesn’t apply to it.

The Earth is an open system because we have this great ball of energy in the sky: the Sun. This provides the energy for systems here on Earth to become more complex and have a lower entropy. But in you take the FULL system, which includes the Sun and the Earth, then the overall entropy is going down: what little entropy lost on Earth is more than balanced by the entropy gained in the Sun.

Evolution doesn’t contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics because evolution works on open systems (namely, populations of replicating organisms). More generally, evolution doesn’t even say that things have to get more complex; it just says that the frequency of inheritable traits changes over time.

So, yeah, this article is wrong from beginning to end. Just FYI.

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